दहशतगर्दी | DAHSHAT GARDI NOVEL PDF : सुरेन्द्र मोहन पाठक द्वारा लिखित हिंदी पीडीऍफ़ पुस्तक | DAHSHAT GARDI PDF : WRITTEN BY SURENDRA MOHAN PATHAK HINDI PDF BOOK DOWNLOAD

दहशतगर्दी | DAHSHAT GARDI NOVEL PDF : सुरेन्द्र मोहन पाठक द्वारा लिखित हिंदी पीडीऍफ़ पुस्तक | DAHSHAT GARDI PDF : WRITTEN BY SURENDRA MOHAN PATHAK HINDI PDF BOOK DOWNLOAD


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पुस्तक का विवरण (Description of Book) :-

Details (Size, Writer, Lang. Pages
(आकार, लेखक, भाषा,पृष्ठ की जानकारी)
पुस्तक का नाम (Name of Book)  दहशतगर्दी (Dahshat Gardi Novel Pdf)
पुस्तक का लेखक (Name of Author)  सुरेन्द्र मोहन पाठक (Surendra Mohan Pathak)
पुस्तक की भाषा (Language of Book) हिंदी (Hindi) 
पुस्तक का आकार (Size of Book) 30 MB
पुस्तक में कुल पृष्ठ (Total pages in Ebook) 520
पुस्तक की श्रेणी (Category of Book)
उपन्यास, क्राइम, थ्रिलर

पुस्तक के कुछ अंश (Excerpts From the Book) :-

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Dahshat Gardi Novel Pdf download

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Dahshat Gardi by Surendra Mohan Pathak Pdf

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Description in English

In A Secluded Building In Sangla Village Of Poonch District, Soorankot Area Of ​​Jammu And Kashmir State, A Meeting Of Some People, Including Hizbul Mujahideen, Parcham-E-Islam, Tehreek-U-Jihad-E-Hizbul Mujahideen, Was Being Held. Leaders Of Terrorist Groups Like Islami, Lashkar Toiba, Harkat-Ul-Ansar, Jammu Kashmir Azadi Morcha And ISI Agents From Across The Border Were Participating. The Person Who Was The Strongest Among Them And From Whom Even His Footsteps Were Afraid, His Name Was Bakhtiyar Ali Khan, Better Known As The Commander. That Name Was Also Famous Because Dahshat Gardi Novel Pdf, Dahshat Gardi Novel Pdf download, Dahshat Gardi Thriller Novel Pdf, Dhashat Gardi Novel by Surendra Mohan Pathak Pdf, Dahshat Gardi by Surendra Mohan Pathak Pdf, Surendra Mohan Pathak Novels Pdf, Surendra Mohan Pathak Vimal Series Novel Pdf, Vimal Series Thriller Novel Pdf, Conman Pdf, Dahshat Gardi Novel Pdf Free download.


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author/ सुरेन्द्र मोहन पाठक 
price/ Free